Instructions to Authors
(amended 28, February, 2020)
1. Aims and scope
- 1) The Korean Journal of Community Living Science is the official journal of The Korean Society of Community Living Science was established in 1988 and published in 1990 to improve and invigorate the quality of life for both metropolitan and rural communities. It is a quarterly journal published in February, May, August and November each year.
- 2) The journal publishes original research articles, review articles, reports, and research notes related to the following research categories. Review articles are received only if commissioned by the Editorial Committee.
- (1) Living science (Clothing and Textiles, Food and Nutrition, Housing and Interior Design, Child and Family Studies, Family Financial Management, Home Management, Consumer Studies)
- (2) Rural Community (Tourism, Amenity, Local industry)
- (3) Practical science
- (4) Others
2. Qualification for Submission
One of the corresponding authors and the first author must be a member, and when the publication of the dissertation is confirmed, all authors must be members.
3. Authorship and Ethical Issues
- 1) Copyright: Original manuscripts will be considered with the understanding that no part has been published, simultaneously submitted, or already accepted for publication elsewhere, other than in abstract form. The copyright will be transferred from the author(s) to The Korean Society of Korean Community Living Science upon acceptance.
- 2) Conflict of Interest: When there are inappropriate financial or personal influences the author should disclose these in the article.
- 3) Informed Consent: The author should obtain informed consent from patients or human subjects after giving a full explanation according to the Institutional Review Board of the author's institute(IRB). If there is no Institutional Review Board in the author’s institution, the author should obtain informed consent from patients or human subjects after giving a full explanation according to the approval process used by The Korean Society of Korean Community Living Science.
- 4) Human and Animal Rights: The author should comply with the IRB of the author’s institution and the Helsinki Declaration of 1975, as revised in 2000. When reporting experiments on animals, authors should follow national or institutional guidelines for the care and use of laboratory animals.
- 5) Authors should adhere to the research ethics regulations and guidelines of Korean Society of Community Living Science. For the policies on the research and publication ethics not stated in these instructions, international standards of publication ethics for editors and authors ( be applied.
4. Consideration of Sex/Gender
In all studies, sex (a biological variable) or gender (a socio, cultural, and psychological trait) should be factored into research designs and analyses and reported in a manuscript as follows.
- 1) Sex and gender should be described separately and correctly.
- 2) Both sexes/genders should be included in the human studies, and the differences between the sexes/genders should be analyzed and reported.
- 3) If only one sex/gender is reported, or included in the study, the reason the other sex/gender is not reported or included should be explained based on reasonable and scientific basis.
5. Manuscript Preparation
- 1) Pages and line points: The manuscript should be written in Korean or English using Hangul word processor(hwp) within 20 pages of A-4 size paper. Letters should be size 11, in line space should be 180, upper and lower space should be 30, and left and right space should be 25.
- 2) Manuscript arrangement: The research manuscript should be arranged as follows: Front page (Running head, title, author, affiliation, position, ORCID number, information about corresponding author and funding), cover page with only Korean and English title, Abstract, Ⅰ. Introduction, Ⅱ. Study methods(or Materials and Methods), Ⅲ. Results and Discussion, Ⅳ. Summary and Conclusion, and References.
- 3) Cover
- (1) The type of manuscript should be clearly stated by the author on the front page of manuscript as research article, review, report, or note.
- (2) Title, Author, and Affiliation should be written in both Korean and English.
The author's English name should be written with full name. <Examples> Gildong Hong
Affiliation means the institute which author belongs to.
- (3) If there are two authors,․ should be written between two names. After the name of a corresponding author for communication, a mark † should be followed. Numbers 1), 2), 3) should be followed after each name and organization, if the authors belong to different organizations.
<Examples> Gildong Hong ․ Gilsun Hong†
- (4) At the top of the title, a running head of shortened title should be written in Korean or English.
- (5) The name, phone number and e-mail address of a corresponding author for communication should be written in English on the bottom of the manuscript.
- (6) The support for research should be written in English on the bottom of the manuscript. For example: This research was supported by grants from National Research Foundation of Korea (KRF-2010-001-C00001)
- 4) English abstract: An abstract should include the aim, method, result, and conclusion of study and should be understandable without the body of the article. It should be a single paragraph of no more than 250 words. About 3-5 key words should be written at the bottom of the abstract.
- 5) Page number: Page numbers should follow the first page of the English abstract.
- 6) Abbreviation: The original word should be written with an abbreviation in brackets when it is first shown. Abbreviations commonly used can be written without explanation.
- 7) Numbers and Units: Numbers should be written in Arabic numerals, while weights and measures should be presented in C.G.S. units.
Length |
5 m, 5 cm, 5 mm, 5 μm |
Weight |
5 kg, 5 g, 5 ton |
Volume |
5 m³, 5 cm³, 5 L, 5 mL, 5μL |
Time |
5 yr, 5 wk, 5 day, 5 hr, 5 min, 5 sec |
Density |
5 M, 5 mM, 5μM, 5 N, 5%, 5 ppm, 5 ppb |
Temperature |
30℃, 30K |
Energy |
kcal, j, kj |
Pressure |
10 atm, mmHgm·kg/cm², pa |
Cycle & frequency |
10,000 cycle, rpm |
pH |
pH 7.4 |
Absorbance |
A 280, O.D. 280, 234 nm |
Boiling point |
bp |
Melting point |
mp |
Standard deviation |
SD |
Standard error |
SE |
Molecular weight |
MW, Da |
Gravity |
10,000×g |
Viable count |
CFU, CFU/mL, mL |
Viscosity |
cp, g/cmmiddot;s, kg/mmiddot;s, Nmiddot;s/m2, Pamiddot;s |
Percent |
35%, 35%(w/v), 0.67 mg% |
Range |
0.3~0.9g |
- 8) Tables and Figures: Tables and Figures should be presented accurately and vividly. Do not use vertical lines. They should be written in English.
- (1) Place and Mark: Each table or figure should be presented on a separate page and placed collectively and sequentially after the article. Indicate the place of tables and figures in the text and mark them as Table 1 or Fig. 1 in the text.
- (2) Place of the title: The title of table should be placed at the upper part of the table, while the title of the figure should be placed at the lower part of the figure.
- (3) Footnote: The footnotes should be presented in Arabic numbers such as 1), 2), 3) and the levels of significance of statistical analyses like p<0.05, p<0.01, p<0.001 should be marked using symbols *, **, ***, and multiple range verifications should be presented using the Roman alphabet such as a, b, c, and this information should be explained at the bottom of tables or figures.
- 9) References: Every reference should be written in English.
- (1) In the case of the text section
- ① Regarding citations, list the author’s last name and the year. For 2 or fewer authors, write the full name; for more than 3 authors, write the first author and add “et al.”. If there are more than 2 references with the same year and author, or if there are more than 2 authors with the same surname, add a, b, c after the year.
<Examples> (Hong 1995; Kim 2000), (Kim & Hong 2000), (Smith & Johnson 2004), (Smith et al. 2003), Kim et al.(1990), Kim & Lee(1987), Kim(1995a)
- ② Multiple citations in the text should be listed in order of the year. Citations should be listed in alphabetical order by author with the same year.
<Examples> (Park & Yoon 2001; Joung et al. 2003; Kim et al. 2008; Lee et al. 2008)
- ③ Re-admission of the data referred to in other literature shall result in the original name of the data and shall be indicated in parentheses as to where it was reused.
<Examples> Park 2016(as cited in Hillery 1955), (Kim 1999, as cited in William 1998)
- (2) In the case of the reference section: all authors should be listed in alphabetical order by the last name.
- ① Journal Article: DOI number is placed at the back of the page.
Ahn HS, Lee GJ, Chung HW(2002) Maternal vitamin B6 level in maternal, umbilical cordplasma and placenta. Korean J Nutr 35(3), 322-331
- ② Book
- - Nieman DC(1995) Fitness and sports medicine: A health-related approach. 3rd ed. Palo Alto: Bull Publishing Co. pp2-7
- - Hopkins B(1993) Assessment of nutritional status. In: Gottschlich MM, Matarese LE, Shornts EP, eds. Nutrition support dietetics. ASPEN, MD, pp15-17
- ③ Dissertation
Moon BO(2000) The differences in hearing impaired students’ communication characteristics and social-emotional satisfaction by parental hearing status. Master's Thesis, Dankuk University, pp101-104
- ④ Conference Proceeding
Lee SK(2009) Professional role of dietetics in healthcare management service. Proceedings 2009 Summer Symposium of the Korean Society of Community Nutrition, pp19-33
- ⑤ Internet Source
Korean National Statistical Office(2011) The statistics of mortality and causes. Available from [cited 2011 December 18]
6. Submission of Manuscript and Review Process
- 1) Submission of manuscript: Manuscript should be submitted by using Web-based submissions system( and then send the 'Submission Form', the 'Copyright Transfer Form', and the 'Ethics Compliance Statement' to the editorial office(
- 2) Charge: Publishing fees will be added in proportion to the page numbers. The fee is 120,000 won per page until the basic page (page 4), and 35,000 won per page from the additional page. Ten reprints should be given free of charge, and the contributor should pay for the additional printing. (Shinhan bank 140-009-512800, account holder: The Korean Society of Korean Community Living Science)
- 3) Peer review: Paper examination should be done through a three-step procedure by a closed reviewer.
- ① Step 1: Manuscript editor determines whether it is suitable for publishing or if it requires modification after reviewing publishing area, format, etc.
- ② Step 2: 2 reviewers are appointed by the editor in chief to examine the manuscript in detail.
- ③ Acceptance: Result is determined by these ratings: <able to publish>, <reconsider after modification>, <unable to publish>. Papers that are judged to be [unable to publish, unable to publish] can not be published. In case of [reconsider after modification, unable to publish], If the result of the third-party screening is more than a half [unable to publish], it can not be published.
- ④ Author should send out the amended-paper to the editorial committee within 6 months. The final amended-paper should be published within one year from the date of submission to the editorial committee. Otherwise, the re-submission procedure should be done.
- 4) Order of contents: Order of contents should be given in order of field, but in order of receipt within the field.
- 5) Address to submit and contact info on inquiry
- ① Manuscripts should be submitted via the online or e-mail.
On line:
- ② Contact info on inquiry
Dr. Jae-Joon Lee, Editor in chief
Department of Food Science & Nutrition, Chosun University, 309 Pilmun-Daero, Dong-Gu, Gwangju 61452, Korea
Tel : 82-62-230-7725, e-mail:
7. Others
- 1) Matters which are not specified in these regulations should be determined by the editorial committee’s deliberations.
- 2) This regulation shall be applied from the article to be published in Volume 31, No. 2.